Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Let's get started..

   Hey there,

 I am a stay-at-home-mom of seven amazing children.  I have six beautiful daughter's and one handsome son. I am always being asked the same question.  How do you do it? Well there are so many different answers I could give to that question. It depends on what your actually asking me. How do I handle seven kids? How do I keep track of the chaotic schedules? How do I show them all equal amounts of love? How do I keep the house from looking like a frat party took place? How did I handle being a teen mom? How do I handle being a blended family?  (Yes we are a blended family...  BUT they are all my babies no matter what) The list could honestly go on and on. I decided that I am going to start a blog. My main goal is to share about how I do it. I'll share tricks, crafts, stories, schedules I follow, the ups, the downs,  maybe even a recipe or two and so much more. Who know's where this little adventure will take me. But I feel like I'm being called to share a little piece of this beautiful chaos. I will apologize now  for any spelling or grammar errors that may occur. I am far from a professional writer. I'm just a mom doing the best I can! So please buckle up and enjoy this wild ride! 

Love always

What it's like having like a lot of kids...

Hey there, One famous question is what it's like having so many kid's.. Honestly it's really not that bad. For the most part the...