Thursday, June 11, 2020

Let's talk dirty.. dirty house that is..

Hey there,

Let's talk about how I keep this house from looking like a fraternity has taken over. I was cleaning everyday all day long and I still felt like the house wasn't close to being clean. To be honest I still have those day's.  So I started doing some research and watching some cleaning video's to find more motivation to keep on top of the mess. Because come on kids are messy.. I eventually came across a cleaning group on Facebook and learned about the Simply clean method by Becky Rapinchuk. I bought the audio book Simply Clean by Becky Rapinchuk and started to listen. That book changed my cleaning life. The book teaches you a new way to clean. How to break things up into certain day's of the week. Monday is bathroom cleaning day. Tuesday is dusting day.  Wednesday is vacuuming day. Thursday is floor washing.  Friday is your catch all day. Saturday you wash all your sheets and towels. Sunday is your free day and you just complete your daily task. Everyday you complete your daily tasks plus that day's task. When you break thing's down into day's it doesn't feel so overwhelming. The book had so much information. There is a 7 day kick start, a 28 day challenge and monthly/quarterly cleaning task. It came with a download pdf file that gave you all the check list for everything in the book. I strongly suggest if you haven't read it or listened to it on audio you invest in the book and give it a shot. Maybe I'll even start a 28 day challenge on my facebook page and you can do it with me. The biggest thing I took away from the book was decluttering and downsizing thing's you don't need. Clutter has so much visual noise that when you see it you feel overwhelmed with it. I declutter everyday. I now throw away or donate thing's that we just don't need. Before I always kept ahold of the nonsense items for whatever reason. It's freeing when you get the hang of decluttering.  I'll attach a photo of the holy cleaning bible of a book because that's how I see it.. it's like my cleaning bible! I am sure I'll have more blogs soon on cleaning but here's my kickstart blog.. So go grab a empty laundry basket take a walk around your house and throw all the thing's that don't belong in that room in the basket.  Take that basket put everything inside where it belongs and if there are thing's you just don't need either toss it or stick it in a donate pile. Do that every single day and you'll start to see a difference in no time. Start decluttering today even if it's just one spot that feels overwhelming. I promise after you'll feel so much better! Happy decluttering my friends! 


What it's like having like a lot of kids...

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